The tag question is the short question form that is added in the end of a sentence and it has function to ask for the confirmation about something that is still unsure or to request agreement. Pendekatan arti dalam bahasa indonesia,question tag adalah bentuk pertanyaan pendek yang diletakkan di akhir kalimat dan di gunakan untuk meminta penegasan tentang sesuatu yang masih belum yakin atau memohon persetujuan. Rumus: -Letakkan kembali auxiliary/to be diakhir kalimat. -Letakkan kembali subject diakhir kalimat dengan menggunakan salah satu bentuk subject berikut: I,you,we,they,she,he,it,there,one. -Kalimat positive menggunakan negatif tag dan not-nya disingkat dengan auxiliarynya(bukan are not you,tapi aren't you) -Kalimat negative menggunakan positive tag. Contoh: -He is diligent,isn't he? (Dia rajin kan) -My uncle isn't lazy,is he? (Dia tidak malas,kan) Note: Jika dalam kalimat tidak terdapat auxiriary/to be,maka harus dicari dengan cara melihat bentuk neg


Modal auxiliaries adalah kata kerja bantu modal yang memiliki ciri-ciri 


1.Kata kerja yang digunakan setelah modal adalah V1 murni tanpa to(bear infinitive).
2.Modal tidak bisa ditambah dengan s/es/ed/ing.
Will(akan)                              Shall(akan)
Would(akan/seharusnya)   Should(akan/seharusnya)
Can(dapat)                             Could(dapat)
May(boleh)                             Might(boleh)
Must(harus)                           Need(perlu)
Dare(berani)                          Ought to(seharusnya)
Used to(terbiasa)                  Had better(lebih baik)
Verbal                                                          NOMINAL
(+)S+MODAL+V1+O.                             (+)S+MODAL+BE+COMPLEMENT.
(-)S+MODAL+NOT+V1+O.                   (-)S+MODAL+NOT+BE+C.
(?)MODAL+S+V1+O+?                          (?)MODAL+S+BE+C+?
Example:                                                     Example:                                   
(+)He can speak English.                         (+)He can be there.
(-)He can not speak English.                   (-)He can not be there.
(?)Can he speak english?                          (?)Can he be there?
Bentuk negative dari must adalah needn't.
Bentuk negative dari ought to adalah ought not to dan bisa disingkat oughtn't to.
Bentuk negative dari used to adalah:usedn't to atau didn't use to.
Bentuk negative dari had better adalah had better not atau hadn't better.
Needn't artinya tidak harus.
Mustn't artinya dilarang.

Ought to(seharusnya)
Used to(terbiasa)
Had better(lebih baik)
To be going to
To be going to
To be going to
To be going to
To be able to
To be able to
To be allowed to
To be allowed to
have to/has to/had to
To be supposed to

Apabila ada lebih dari satu modal dalam sebuah kalimat maka modal yang pertama tetap sedangkan modal yang selanjutnya harus di ubah menjadi similar modal.
I will can speak English (salah)
I will be able to speak English.(benar)
They must can speak English.(salah)
They must be able to speak English.(benar) 
Fungsi USED TO:
.......USED TO+V1......mengungkapkan kebiasaan di masa lampau.
(When I was in Senior hight school,I used to ride a bicycle.)
.......BE+USED TO+V-ING.....menjadi terbiasa di masa sekarang.
(Now I am used to speaking English) 
.......GET USED TO+V-ING.......mulai terbiasa di masa sekarang
(After reading,I get used to memorizing it.)
........WILL GET USED TO+V-ING.....akan mulai terbiasa.
(I will get used to visiting the zoo during my vacation in Jakarta.)
Beberapa modal sering muncul bersama dengan HAVE+V3 sehingga menimbulkan makna yang berbeda.
MUST+HAVE+V3(kesimpulan pasti dimasa lampau)
Pasti telah
(Jack got the best mark in the exam.He must have studied hard for it.)
MIGHT+HAVE+V3(kemungkinan di masa lampau)
Mungkin telah
(My mother came home late.Well,she might have been caught in the traffic jam.)
SHOULD/OUGHT TO+HAVE+V3(harapan yang tidak terpenuhi)
 Seharusnya telah
(The boy was not permmited to have the lesson because of being late.He should have left for school earlier.)
COULD+HAVE+V3(kemampuan yang tidak dilaksanakan)
Pada dasarnya dapat
(She could have driven the unused car,but she went by a motorcycle.)
Fungsi-fungsi modal:
 Will -willingness(The phone is ringing.I will get it.)
         -polite request(Will you please pass the salt?)
Be going to -definite plan(I am going to paint my bedroom.)
Can -ability/possibility(I can run fast.)
       -informal permission(You can use my car tomorrow.)
       -informal polite request(Can I borrow your pen?)
       -Impossibility(That can't be true!)
Could -Past ability(I could run fast when I was child.)
           -Polite request(Could I borrow your pen?)
           -Suggestion(I need help in math.You could talk to your teacher.)
Be able to -Ability(I am able to help you.
Would - Polite request(Would you please pass the salt?)
            -Preference(I would rather go to the park than stay here.)
May -Polite request(May I borrow your book?)
        -Formal permission(You may leave this room.)
Might -Polite request(Might I borrow your book?)
           -Advisability (I should study tonight.)
Ought to - Advisability(I ought to study tonight.)
Had better -Advisability with threat of bad result(You had better be on time,or we will leave without you)
Be supposed to -Expectation(Class is supposed to begin at 10)
Be to -Strong expectation(Class is supposed to begin at 10.)
           -Strong necessity(I must go to class today.)
Must  -Prohibitation(You must not open that door.)
           -Necessity(I have to go to class today.)
Have to -Lack of necessity(I don't have to go to class today)
Have got to -Necessity(I have got to go to class today.)
Thank for reading GRAMMAR FOR TOEFL 2 LENGKAP in my blog.




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